Using your institutional subscription

Your institution has a network-wide digital subscription to, one of the largest and richest collections of local content available in New Zealand. Here’s how you make the most of it.

Your institution has a network-wide digital subscription to, one of the largest and richest collections of local content available in New Zealand. Here’s how you make the most of it.

First, some things to know. A digital subscription to includes access to every story we’ve ever printed, television documentaries from NHNZ, science and environment reporting from RNZ, new photography, photographic tools and even virtual reality video.

Depending upon your subscription type you will have access to some or all of it. Your institution will be authenticated automatically by IP address—you will see the institution name in the top-right of the menu bar—and you have free access whenever you’re on your institution’s network.

Our weekly email newsletter connects news headlines with interesting stories or video content from the archive—a tremendous resource to get the most of your subscription. Sign up here:

Just like in the natural world, everything on is connected. You can click on the little category headers near headlines to browse by categories; such as Living World, Science & Environment, Geography, Travel & Adventure or History. Or browse all the stories that have ever appeared in your favourite department; such as Life, Profile or Artefact—or only looks at feature stories. And when you find something you like, click on the contributor’s name to see more from that writer or photographer. To learn more about our heroic contributors, see In the Field.

Make the most of the search tool—it’s very powerful and reveals the huge depth of content in the archive.

Sometimes, when themes across many mediums emerge, we gather them together into Special Focus Areas; such as /water, /climate, /kermadecs, /earthquakes, /sharks, /penguins, /curtain-call and /predator-free. We’ll add to these over time.

OK, that’s the gist of it. Have fun.